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Technical description:

Super concentrated rinse aid: removes grease, suntan lotion, organic matter, pollen, etc. and all types of particles by coagulation (increases the size of the particles), both on the surface and in the entire volume of water, via skimmers or overflow, with the dirt remaining trapped in the filter.

It reduces water costs, clots are not deposited on the bottom and the pool cleaner does not have to be emptied during maintenance.

Prevents stains on the waterline, greatly reducing the work of scrubbing and cleaning the waterline. Compatible with any automatic pool cleaner and with all types of filtration systems (Vidromar, flint, diatomaceous earth, cartridges, zeolites, etc...).

Product recommended for maintenance as a replacement for traditional flocculants. Dosage: 1L per 200 to 600 m3, according to needs.

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